
"Why People

and Practice?"

The origin of People and Practice comes from years of experience of working with people trying to see things in isolation. It's easy, it feels right sometimes, and messiness and ambiguity is uncomfortable for people. There's no "process" or practice, without the people. Trying to separate the two is futile. What was also striking is how frustrated people were that things didn't change, and yet tried again. Unwilling to do the hard and humble work to get underneath the nuance and complexity. In a world where we see links and threads everywhere, the willingness to ignore what is clearly connected became the problem we sought to solve.

Heather (our Founder) recognised she was doing something different when clients sought to replicate her approach. Nuance is a hard thing to train, and she found she was mentoring people to work within the grey. She didn't wear just one "hat" or stay within a single domain of expertise, she incorporated her expertise with coaching, mentoring and consulting based on what would help others think better. This has led to People and Practice taking on a small number of Associates who possess the same ability. Our services represent this approach. Sometimes one solution is exactly what is needed, and other times a fusion works better. Occasionally, we figure this out along the way as the need unfolds. This is all part of our adaptive approach.

The way anyone thinks about their behaviour is their own. They understand themselves and how they relate to the world through their own lens. We can throw tools, evidence and psychological theory at people and be the expert. However, if we really want to help people become more self-aware, we need to respect that people come to this discussion with their own views developed and reinforced over time. Tap into, understand and respect this, then we can begin a real partnership and create the conditions for change.

Heather Frost, Founder of People and Practice

What does self awareness look like?

You are constantly moving, the self-awareness wheel keeps spinning as you experience moment to moment and continue to build new neural pathways both waking and sleeping. Our approach to coaching and behaviour change is to bring all the parts together, so we coach the whole person in real-time. We don't think it's helpful to pretend people can ignore large components of themselves when these facets are still influencing behaviour. It is rich data we can learn from, and we want to bring it into our awareness if it is useful. This is why we use the phrase "head, heart and gut". Spectrums and scales allow nuance, and being present at the centre helps ensure we are in the development and growth space. We embrace the paradox and don't like putting things in boxes, including how we coach. The moment will call for the space we need to spend the most time in to help you achieve your goals. We have the scientific knowledge, qualifications and experience to work with behaviour to meet you there.

Our Services

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